templates.htmlTEXTR*ch Æ≥…i≥…iÅÅû† Tabs On The Web: Templates
Setup For PWS
Session Managment
Creating your Database
Importing a Tab Deliminated File
Creating Admin Users
Browsing the database
Working with Templates
Remote Managment

Working With the Templates

The templates live inside of the Templates folder inside the TOTW datafolder. this way you can easily set up many instances of Tabs on the Web with totally different templates.

It's not necessary to look through this page at all. You can learn everything you need to by customising the demo templates that come with the app. All the necessary techniques are shown there. Feel free to change ANY of the surrounding HTML code to customise the look and layout of your page as long as you use the special TOTW tags in a similar manner to what is shown.

NOTE! Currently the tags that TOTW uses are NOT compatable with Dreamweaver or other WYSIWYG html editors. They will make complete soup of the tags. I will be working on supporting these in the future, but for the time being you will need to either do your html editing in a text editor, or do you templates in your editor and then add the TOTW tags by hand.

  • Entry Page Template

    This template is what is sent when someone first hits the acgi program. It can be completely customized for your application. It provides 3 special tags that can be used to enter the database to search, browse or Administer.

    <searchlink>, used like <a href="<searchlink>">Search the database</a><browselink>, used like <a href="<browselink>">Browse the database</a><admin link>, used like <a href="<admin link>">Signon to Admin Functions</a><database name>, will be replaced by the name you entered in the setup tab.
    These tags are valid in every page. If you wish to have a link bar at the bottom of the screen you may include thise links in every page, as in the example templates. These are the ONLY tags that are valid in every page.

  • Browse By Page Template

    If someone clicks on the Browse The Database link they will be taken to this page. It contains a form that will have radio buttons for the indexed fields you wish to search. You do not need to have a search button for every field you have indexed. The following new tags are valid in this page. See the demo template for more info.

    <browse form action> This should be in the action link of the form on the page
    <index Field Name> You create one of these for each of the fields you want to search. it will be replaced by a radio button form element.

  • Search Page Template

    This page is almost identical to the browse page template with the addition of the search text field.

    <index Field Name> You create one of these for each of the fields you want to search.
    <lastsearch> will be replace with the last search that the person did. Not necessary but a nice feature. See the demo template for more info on using this in the form.
    you must also include an input field for the searchtext to be entered into like:
    <input type=text name=searchstring value="<lastsearch>">

  • Browse Page Template

    After searching, or while browsing, TOTW will allow you to walk through a list page by page of the hits and select which one you would like to like to view the detail page of. This is by far the most complicated page to setup.

    You setup an ordinary HTML table and then define a row for the table which TOTW will repeat for each line. See the demo template for more detail on how to do this. The example also defines an odd and even row color for the table to make reading it easier.

    <OddRowColor Color> and
    <EvenRowColor Color>

    The repeating line should be between the <line start> and <line end> tags and look something like:

    <line start>  <tr>  <td bgcolor=<bgcolor>> <a href="<detail link>"> <field first name> <field last name></a> </td>  <td bgcolor=<bgcolor>> <field address> </td>  <td bgcolor=<bgcolor>> <field extension> </td></tr><line end>		

    To insert the link to the detail page use the <detail link>
    and to display the data from a field use the <field Field Name> Format

    This is an overview, please check the individual template files for complete examples of using the TOTW tags.

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